Thursday, July 29, 2010

what i learned at work today...

we had a meeting today where we got some advice from other nurses. here's a synopsis:

1. do three things as a nurse: drink water, pee, and have a bottle of wine ready for the bad days.
2. you have to laugh about it.
3. you won't be a perfect nurse. you're human. if you were a robot, nursing wouldn't be what it is.
4. everyone dies eventually.
5. we all put our pants on the same way.
6. wear a pedometer.
7. don't take it personal. people are at their worst when you see them. 
8. if you have to sit on your couch for five minutes to get some courage before work - that's ok.
9. always remember why you started nursing, but remember you can't save every life.
 10. nursing is a good and difficult, satisfying and frustrating career that you will love more and more.

it was a good meeting. a meeting i needed.


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