Monday, March 8, 2010

bits of my weekend.

[michelle, over at her cute blog, is documenting pictures of her weekend and inspired me to do the same]

march 5th-7th, 2010

my hip husband waiting for the metro


milkshakes with knives.

friends and cheesecake. vegan cheesecake. i still don't get it. 

sticks for these:

 i only had blue yarn, but i think they turned out cute!

 melting snow.

hope you had a great weekend! happy monday! 




Lisa said...

Very cute! I don't get vegan cheesecake can't really call it that if it's vegan! Bring on the real stuff for me! :)

michelle from Six in the City said...

Such fun pictures!
What in the world does vegan cheesecake taste like? Never mind. I don't think I want to know:-)

Mom said...

Great job on the craft - you are so much more crafty than you think! Cant wait to see you!