Tuesday, October 12, 2010


on sunday we went to the broncos - ravens game with some great friends. the weather was perfect and it was a ton of fun even if the broncos did lose. 

(sam and a scary ravens fan)
(my favorite broncos player!)

here's ryan and i's track record for watching colorado sports in dc:
redskins - broncos: broncos lost
wizards - nuggets: nuggets lost
nationals - rockies: rockies lost
ravens - broncos: broncos lost

we should probably stop going, but watching our teams out here helps us feel a little less homesick.

hope you all are having a happy day!



Unknown said...

Kels! Jer's family all went to the game this weekend too! You guys should've collaborated a broncos cheering section (Jer's dad sorta stuck out in his broncos jersey...)

Amanda Lesh said...

Number 15 is also my favorite player and the reason I have a sudden interest in the broncos :)

kelsie said...

Brittani! We totally should have met up with them! Strength in numbers!

And Amanda - he is the best! Also, congratulations on the car! I love it!

Anonymous said...

The Donkey fans around here wish you would stay home also...

Love ya - dad

Go Rangers!