Tuesday, October 19, 2010

new blog crush.

it's been a while since i've found a blog that i really love. but this one is too good. it is written by a decorator and shows some great thrift store finds and amazing diy projects.

little green notebook is full of incredible and inspiring home photos. and unlike a lot of other design blogs, this one shows you that an incredible home can be done on a very tight budget.

here are just a couple images from the blog:

and the last reason i love this blog so much - it linked to a place where you can view domino magazine!! domino was most definitely the best magazine of all time but was sadly discontinued last year. i thought my relationship with domino was eternally over, but alas! it's here! hooray!

hope you take a little peek at little green notebook!
happy monday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loooove little green notebook!!!! have you read the birth story for her latest baby??!!


its incredible!!